
Nominees Sought for Penn Manor Outstanding Educator/Employee

If you know of a teacher or other staff member who goes out of his or her way to help students and support our schools, please consider nominating them for an Outstanding Educator/Employee Award.

Here is an explanation of the awards and nomination guidelines.

PMSD Winter Athletics

A Note for Spring Track & Field Athletes

If you are interested in competing for Penn Manor's Spring track and field team, here is important information including the schedule and mandatory forms.  

Click here to access Track & Field information

*** Our very own Manor Student: Wesley Fish will be performing and on stage!! 


Ticket Sales:

Student tickets are $7.  Adult tickets are $10. 

Ticket purchases

Online:  pennmanor.seatyourself.biz  

Send payment to PMHS with this order form.


Based on the celebrated novel by Daniel Wallace and the acclaimed film directed by Tim Burton, BIG FISH centers on Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest… and then some! 

Edward’s incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him – most of all, his devoted wife Sandra. But their son Will, about to have a child of his own, is determined to find the truth behind his father’s epic tales. Overflowing with heart, humor and spectacular stagecraft, BIG FISH reminds us why we love going to the theatre – for an experience that’s richer, funnier and BIGGER than life itself.

Upcoming Grade 7: Career Day

Manor Middle is looking forward to hosting our Career Day on Friday, April 4, 2025.  Our purpose is to expose students to as many careers and trades as possible. We want to help students explore different careers and connect their interests to exciting possibilities after high school. 

On this day, our 8th grade students will have the opportunity to set up their own educational day of job shadowing in a field of interest.  

Our 7th grade students will participate in a day of learning in the building with a Manufacturing Career Fair in partnership with MANTEC. We would also like to have community members join us for an additional career fair opportunity and speaker series.  If you or a family member, friend, neighbor or colleague would like to participate, please take a moment to fill out this Google Form.  

Once we have an idea of how many community participants we have, we will be able to better plan our day and provide participants with additional information in advance of the event. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Murray (shirley.murray@pennmanor.net) or Mrs. Detter (patricia.detter@pennmanor.net) directly.  

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Dr. Murray, Principal 

Mrs. Detter, Assistant Principal 

Mrs. Napiltonia, School Counselor 

Mrs. Rogers, School Counselor 

Manor Grade 8 Career Shadowing Day:  April 4, 2025

As students progress through their middle school years, one of our key focuses is helping them explore their future careers. This process includes activities like completing online aptitude and interest assessments (such as Xello) to assist in understanding career paths and making informed decisions about their futures.

We are excited to offer all 8th grade students at Manor Middle the opportunity to participate in Career Shadowing, which will take place on Friday, April 4, 2025. This experience allows students to spend at least 5 hours shadowing a professional in a career they are interested in. It's a great chance for students to explore different fields and gain hands-on insights into potential future careers.

Please access the flyer for additional information HERE.  We will also provide a paper copy to eighth grade students next week with additional copies in the office as needed.  

TSA Regional Competitions

A huge shoutout to our TSA team who excelled at their competition!  Multiple students placed!  

Manor Spring Play Cast: The Great American Talent Show

Judges/Crew Contestants

Sonny Breckinridge (TV Host) Candy Carlyle (Comedian)

-Leamsi Adames -Adrienne Watson

Meridee Holliway (Judge/Actress) Ellie Jordan (Modeling)

-Luella Smith - Violet Frey

Connie Grover (Judge/Former Model) Giselle LeBeau (Makeover)

-Dylan Griffith - Caitlin Mummau

Gerard Jamison (Judge/British) Morgan Mayfield (Singing)

-Jack Loreto - Ella Conroy

Intern (Judge’s Assistant) Mary Jane Paulson (IQ)

-Addy Abramo - Milani Villega

Announcer Freddy Soderstrom (Band)

-Lilah Conklin - Ernest Denlinger

Stage Hands/Comedic Relief Arnie Toliver (Impressions)

-Perla Gomez - Gabriel Lamborn

-Atley McMichael

       We are pleased to announce the upcoming auditions for our inaugural play of the year, "The Great American Talent Show." Students interested in auditioning for a role are required to sign up using the link provided in the flyer. Auditions will take place on January 28th and 29th, 2025, at Manor Middle School starting promptly at 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM. During auditions, participants will perform monologues as outlined in the audition flyer. The final cast will be announced no later than January 31st.  

Selected students are expected to attend all rehearsal nights scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. Maintaining a minimum C grade average during their commitment to the play is required. During rehearsals and performances, students also need to follow all school behavior expectations. We kindly request that snacks be provided for your student during each rehearsal night; accommodations can be made for snacks upon request.

Costumes will consist of one student-provided outfit to be stored in the school's costume closet until the conclusion of the show. More specific information will come later in the rehearsal process.

As rehearsals start, we will also be seeking parent volunteers. Be on the lookout for more information if you are interested. We eagerly anticipate this opportunity and look forward to the start of rehearsals!

Tr. Trent Soto                                                                      Mrs. Jessica Santos

trent.soto@pennmanor.net                                jessica.santos@pennmanor.net 

  (717) 723-9097

You can find more information about our directors and the upcoming show HERE.  

Sign up here for auditions!!  

Penn Manor School District new football game spectator guidelines

Click here

Would you like to play a sport? 

Click HERE for more information

Yearbook Orders

Now is the time to order your yearbook for a discounted price.  TODAY is the final day for the early order discount!  

Click HERE to order.